Wednesday, October 31, 2012

August 13th

The difference between a lie and a white lie is that the first hurts and the second is irrelevant, but when you find the lie that could broke your family you just have 2 options, tell the truth and break your family or just hide it and hope it was just a dream. In the summer my family and I used to go to the field, we hang and play with my cousins, when everyone left I was alone in the house, and my mother's phone started ringing it was a Jose calling and I didn't pick up the phone, then I was discovering that my mother had WhatsApp and she never told me! I whatched a conversation with Jose and they was flirting!! Like TRULY dirty flirting! My mom was cheating on my dad! no way, I started to cry I went to the bathroom I didn't know what to do what to feel it was right it was my fault it was my dad fault, anyone else was knowing it? The only thing I had right in that moment was my parents relationship, I've been always thinking they were the perfect couple and now I know that
"not everything that shines is gold"

I remember the dinner it was like if I was drowing with every bite, the salad was tearing me down, but I was there eating watching TV wishing to go out and scream as loud as I can. Even today I don't know what to do what to say I'm stock with that, should I tell someone? should I be just that quiet?  I don't know.

Love xxxx bye
- Lalo.

"No regrets, no apologizes, just your life, just your decisions."

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