Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Welcome to the world!

Too many years in the dark, too many years in the back of the people, now I see the light, my laptop's screen light, maybe someone could hear me, my feelings my expressions my things I have no one to tell those things, like a BFF or something or something...? I am not that ugly ones that have no life and just want the populars affection, I don't care about people, but I care about me, my family and, it's hard to me (even writing it) I care about love.So many yesrs I've been like "oh God! Love's so stupid, I can't believe it hurts, or you feel truly happy if the ones you love talk to you" but inside I knew all these words were just lies I feel love, I feel pain, and I feel happy (like truly happy) when the guy I love just say "hi" to me, it's weird right? How just a word from someone can make so many emotions on your sistem, it can take you from bottom and sent you to top or upside down, yep, like "I have a girlfriend" and you pretend being happy for your friend when you are just beating down. That was just an introduction to my life.I hope to see you tomorrow.

xoxo. Lalo.
"No regrets, no apologizes, just your life, just your decisions."

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