Monday, November 5, 2012


Have you ever felt like the sheets are tight and you need space, but when you stand up of the bed and see your room the space from you to the walls are even smaller than the space that the sheets lets you to breath. That's the moment when you just run away from your house to look for some place with oxigen, some space, breath, no problems, nothing to care about, nothing, absolutly nothing, but here's the problem, there's no place where you can hide from your problems, 'cause they're in this place where you can't run away from, and this place, is you.

good night. Lalo.

Lalo it's me, I think I should hide my real name for a while, or forever, Lalo is the contraction of my real name, it's cool and just 1 person have called me like that, he was like my best/first crash, like first love? I mean someone who I could reach. But that's another story. xoxo.

"No regrets, no apologizes, just your life, just your decisions."

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