Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I've been in a hole for a while, now I am just knowing where the exit were, the problem was me, all this time was me, I needed to realise that I am too good for some people and some people just don't deserve my attention.

Yesterday my friends & I meet to talk with Unknow but I was ill really, really ill, then when they told him everything about the situation we were with him, he just left, he LEFT! Not in the way you get out to breath and then fight for your honor, he fled with their tails between their legs, like a coward. Then my friends told me everything and I was like "I'm ill I don't care I just want to lie in my bed and wait for redemption..." after that I went to my Unknow friend profile to see what he post about that or something, but nothing! There were nothing on his profile! because he unfriended me then I told him why, 'cause to my knowledge, I didn't do anything to him,  but after talking and talking and more talking I realise the I've never known him, I did a lot of things for him that he didn't I probably left people for him or make fun of them just to make him happy? I don't know if it's the right word for that but the point is that he0s the Unknown and you better stay the fuck away from these people before the could hurt you.

I can breathe, I am free, I've been looking for that for so long, just thanks for make my choice much easier.

xoxo. Lalo.

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